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Review of TWO Books on the Scott Peterson
Until these two the only book I’d read about the Scott Peterson case was "WITNESS-Amber Frey's story." When I chanced upon Catherine Crier’s book about this case, “A Deadly Game…the untold story of the Scott Peterson Investigation” I decided to give it a try.
It was a very big book, Crier’s story of the case of Scott Peterson, a murder that captivated the nation. For Scott Peterson, a fine man whose parents are STILL very proud of him, killed his wife Laci while she was eight months along bearing his son, Conner. The wonderful Scott Peterson was smitten, it would seem, with another female, Amber Frey. Laci and their unborn child was a burden on the life that Scott wanted to lead, thus they had to go.
It is believed that Scott strangled or smothered Laci then dumped her body into nearby San Francisco bay. The dismembered bodies of Laci and Conner floated to shore some four months after Scott dumped them, weighted down with homemade cement anchors into their watery graves.
I think that this Crier book was a complete waste of time and I’d suggest that yon reader avoid this tome as the definitive tale of the Scott Peterson case.
First, it was entirely too long. The Crier book could have been half its size and sill did a fine job of detailing the details of the Scott Peterson case. And as for any alleged “untold stories”, there was absolutely nothing new in the Crier book.
Finally, I could have done without Crier’s indulgent lecture against the death penalty she included in the rear of the book.
Hey, it’s a free country and we have freedom of speech. Catherine Crier has a right to her opinion on the death penalty and she has the right to wax on about it in her book.
Hey, I’m a reader and I thought it a lengthy, liberal waste of time and a pile of verbal crap that certainly had no business in a book about the horrific deaths of a beautiful young woman and a baby that never had a chance to breath life’s air.
For if ever the death penalty was required it would be the Scott Peterson case and yes, I suppose that’s why the self-righteous Crier put it there.
I’d offer that most folks bothering to read her book would be of a mind that the sub-human Scott Peterson should not live on after his heartless murder of these two people.
Reader beware.

It was also by chance that I came upon the story of the Scott Peterson case from someone knee-deep and suffering from his crime in the book “For Laci”. Who would be Laci’s mother, Sharon Rocha. The book is subtitled “A Mother’s Story of Love, Loss, and Justice.
Now THIS is the book to read for any yon readers who want to know all the details about Scott Peterson, his life, his wife, the investigative and judicial details of his murder.
First, Scott’s parents, Jackie and Lee Peterson. What a couple of losers these people are. Which shouldn’t surprise in that their fine, fine son turned out to be a real winner as well.
Jackie Peterson had a whole bunch of kids she gave up for adoption and I don’t know, maybe this is where Scott got his cavalier attitude that hey, this child’s not convenient, let’s move along. Yes, I’m being mean here but let’s recount one Peterson tale that sums up the morals of these two despicable people.
After Scott’s death penalty punishment was announced, Ron Rocha, Laci’s stepfather, turned to Lee Peterson, Scott’s father, and said “I’m sorry”. This story was detailed in BOTH books reviewed so it’s not a fabrication of the Rochas.
Lee Peterson, fine man who fathered a fine, fine son, responded by saying “Fuck You”.
Fine, fine man. Fine, fine son they produced.
Those two idiots spent millions of their own money to defend their fine spawn and no doubt, idiots and classy folks that they are, still believe Scott is innocent.
The story of Scott Peterson, his lover Amber Frey, his fine parents who gave Scott everything including $15,000 bucks that he could join a country club, the heartache of Sharon Rocha, Laci’s mother left to grieve forever for the loss of her only daughter and her grandson, is all told well in this Rocha book.
Rocha did a fine job of maintaining an even keel in the telling of her story. It was evident she didn’t like Amber Frey and this reader thought she was a bit harsh on that young woman who too suffered pain and heartbreak but still carried on heroically to aid in Scott’s prosecution. Sharon was kind to the Petersons who I’d have punched in the nose several times based on their boorish behavior.
I am waiting for a book by the Petersons defending their fine son’s crime.
"WITNESS-Amber Frey's story."
She did the right thing in turning in the fine Scott Peterson.
Did anyone ever teach this woman the art of birth control?
"WITNESS-Amber Frey's story."
"Tainted Roses"
So here you have it. A truly AWFUL true crime book that I'm bothering to write a review on that readers be warned.
A murderer, Paul Mack...alias Sean Lanier, meets up with a recently divorced woman, sweet talks her into romance and marriage, then is exposed on "America's Most Wanted" to his new wife's horror.
Guess who his wife was? Margie Danielsen.
That's right. The book is written by the "victim" of Sean Lanier and so far as I'm concerned, this woman is a certified idiot.
"Tainted Roses"
The Summer Wind-George Anastasia
Anastasia is a reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer and attended the trial of Capano. His perspective on the reporting is distant and less personal than Rule?s account. If someone held a gun to my head and only had one choice to read about the nefarious Thomas Capano, I'd suggest they go with the Rule version. Maybe it's a woman thing, but Rule always brings that female insight often lacking in the prose of male true-crime writers. Nonetheless, Anastasia did a fine job and his skill as a writer is quite evident.
The Summer Wind-George Anastasia
"Fatal Analysis" by Dr. Martin Obler and Thomas Clavin
A Book Review of a true crime book "Final Analysis" by Dr. Martin Obler.
It's a good true crime story about a serial killer, his shrink and efforts to stop the killing.
Only thing, although proclaimed to be true, I didn't believe a word of Obler's psychobabble nonsense.
It's almost a sin to classify this book as non-fiction.
"Fatal Analysis" by Dr. Martin Obler and Thomas Clavin
Shattered" by Debra Puglisi Sharp
Also, a Book Review of a book by an author that promised me an interview but she didn't deliver. I read the book anyway, here's the review but I don't think much of people making promises they don't keep.
She was held hostage by a crack-crazed nut for six days, hog-tied and repeatedly raped and tortured until she finally got to the phone to freedom.
It's a compelling book, this "Shattered" by Debra Puglisi Sharp.
Too bad she's not a woman of her word for all her heroism.
Shattered" by Debra Puglisi Sharp
"Unspeakable Acts" by Jan Worthington
A True Crime Book Review of "Unspeakable Acts". This book is more accurately a tome. Half of it could have been deleted. For this tale of two hippie doctors eliciting tales of abuse in a daycare center in the hysteria of the mid-80's is almost entirely fiction.
This is a great study of how the Lamestream Media creates a story from thin air.
"Unspeakable Acts" by Jan Worthington
"Missing Beauty"
A True Crime book review-"Missing Beauty" by Teresa Carpenter, tells the story of a very intelligent scientist who gets caught up in the world of prostitution, drugs...and murder.
"Missing Beauty"
"Unfinished Murder" by James Neff
A book review, "Unfinished Murder" by James Neff. The book title is indicative of a True Crime that is considered by many to be a killing crime not quite complete. He's a serial rapist and this is a story of his life and how he got caught.
"Unfinished Murder" by James Neff
It was never my intention to become an expert on the Jonbenet Ramsey case, but given my complete and total absorption in the two books most recently read following the colon, I must say I'm pretty much up to snuff on all the players, suspects and victim: "Jonbenet" by Detective Steve Thomas; "Perfect Murder, Perfect Town" by Lawrence Schiller.
"Evidence of Love" by John Bloom and Jim Atkinson
I could not put this book down.
For if ever there were two couples so very, very odd while appearing for all the world to be so perfectly normal, it would be the Montgomerys and the Gores of Collin County, Texas.
Then there was the Methodist church and the strange preachers combined with weirdly devoted parishioners and oddball church-sanctioned "marriage counseling" that added to the reader's perception that this book HAD to be fiction; surely churches and normal people don't behave like this.
"Evidence of Love" by John Bloom and Jim Atkinson
"A Wife's Revenge" by Eric Francis
A rather unique book review here. We've got "A Wife's Revenge" by Eric Francis. Coincidentally as I read this book this story of Susan Wright was featured on CBS' "48 Hours".
Thus we have video of this book's subject, a pretty woman who killed her husband in a most heartless and horrific manner.
"A Wife's Revenge"

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