For Gary Morgenstein’s “How To Find a Woman…Or Not” is about the funniest thing I’ve read this year even though the man is wrong about so much.
The book is rated at least an “R”, maybe an “X”, but mature adults should enjoy it for the humor and men might even find a bit of truth in it.
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”How To Find a Woman…Or Not” by Gary Morgenstein
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I’d reviewed two other fiction books by Gary Morgenstein. When he approached me about his most recent non-fiction book I jumped at the chance. I prefer reviewing non-fiction books at this point in my life and Gary Morgenstein’s two prior fiction books that I reviewed proved him to be a fine writer. The thought of reviewing a fiction book by him gave me joy.
The former Morgenstein’s fiction reviews include:”Jesse’s Girl” and ”Take Me Out To the Ball Game”.
It would be a gross understatement to softly suggest that this non-fiction effort by Morgenstein is as far from his fiction works as Obama is to common sense.
First, let’s establish right now that Morgenstein is an excellent writer. I’m a writer but more than that, I’m a reader of the highest order. His fiction books are well-written and fast-paced, the words making a movie in the reader’s mind.
Non-fiction books do not lend well to shady characters, sudden and surprising turns of plot and unexpected endings.
Still and so, to my surprise, Morgenstein writes an extremely humorous book on this topic. There were few hints to the well-toned sense of humor this author possesses in his fiction efforts and it was a pleasant turn of events.
Gary Morgenstein takes to first person for this quasi self-help advice book. He uses his own experiences as a middle-aged divorced guy seeking female companionship to present his methods and lessons learned or to be learned for other fellows too seeking a female significant other in the treacherous world of dating.
The funny stories, the tongue-in-cheek, the sudden and vibrant truth in the midst of it all, make this a most delightful read. In one chapter Morgenstein might advise the reader on blind dates. He might move on to his own blind date experiences then to situations to avoid on to ending a chapter with a section he calls “Suggested Study Guide Questions”. Throughout the book Morgenstein inserts what he calls his “Morgy Rules”, little snippets of wisdom that might well advise to avoid females with rodent-type pets at all costs on to his list of online dating rules.
Yes there’s plenty of sex in the book, be advised. This is not a book to be leaving for your adolescent son to peruse.
But what kind of dating book would it be if it didn’t deal with that tricky matter of sex and dating/when to have it/how to lead up/how to consummate/what to do when it’s over?
I’d recommend this book for anyone looking for a good read filled with plenty of humor, smiles, even a bittersweet grin or two. Yes I’d recommend it for fellows looking to…well meet a woman.
For at this point I must take some exception to Morgenstein’s advice and I ponder what position am I playing at this point in the review…a book reviewer, someone who considers herself a sort of friend of Gary Morgenstein, or just a female around Morgenstein’s age in general?
Because if I were to debate Morgenstein on many of his rules on women, his generalties and knee-jerk explanation of female behavior…I’d be rebutting the author all night and part of the next day.
While Morgenstein is close to the truth at many points, I say emphatically, GARY MORGENSTEIN IS NOT A WOMAN! Half the time he don’t know what the hell he’s talking about.
So hey, females, get this book and read it yourself. You’ll be screaming and railing at the gods that ain’t this just like a man, to assume something so damn wrong about women as to be the stuff of mockery.
Want an example? How about when he justifies an experience with a prostitute (a chapter Morgenstein could have left out of the book completely as a)it had not much to do with the book’s subject matter and b)it was really gross) to female readers by asserting that wouldn’t we women all love to have a bedroom session with George Clooney?
Is this author out of his loving mind? Women might like to dream or fantasize about a sexy tryst with Mr. Clooney but most females of maturity wouldn’t have this man on a damn dime. He’s vapid, shallow, probably disease-ridden and his bed probably couldn’t hold much more than Clooney and his ego.
It’s how a man thinks women think is what I’m saying here.
To wrap it up, I have issues with Morgenstein’s assessment of the females in his surround but I’ve no doubt that his summaries, analyses, and opinions represent 95% of male thinking about women.
This, I’d offer without a whole lot of passion, makes him somewhat of an expert. For the most part, however Morgenstein might wrongly assess female thought behind actions, he does almost always get it right on with the appropriate male reaction, how to do it, when to do it…always with a smile, laugh or even a great big guffaw.
Read it. Women, give him hell when he’s off the mark. Fellows, mind what he writes. Sure he thinks like a man thinks women think but his thinking is right on with how most men think women think.
Unravel that sentence I dare you.
I recommend this book highly, despite my objections. It’s a riot on so many levels.
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